Evacuation from Donetsk region: 11 children and 20 people with limited mobility left frontline settlements

Evacuation from Donetsk region: 11 children and 20 people with limited mobility left frontline settlements

Over the past day, January 11, another 11 children and 20 people with limited mobility were evacuated from frontline settlements in Donetsk region. This was reported on Facebook by the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service in Donetsk region.



It is noted that the evacuation process is accelerating as the situation in the region becomes more and more dangerous. Rescuers are actively assisting those who agree to evacuate.


"Over the past 24 hours, the Rescue Service provided assistance during the evacuation in Pokrovsk and Bakhmut districts to 130 people, including 11 children and 20 people with limited mobility," the statement said.


Rescuers, together with police officers, also successfully evacuated four residents of Avdiivka over the past day.

Over the past day, January 11, another 11 children and 20 people with limited mobility were evacuated from frontline settlements in Donetsk region. This was reported on Facebook by the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service in Donetsk region.


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It is noted that the evacuation process is accelerating as the situation in the region becomes more and more dangerous. Rescuers are actively assisting those who agree to evacuate.


"Over the past 24 hours, the Rescue Service provided assistance during the evacuation in Pokrovsk and Bakhmut districts to 130 people, including 11 children and 20 people with limited mobility," the statement said.


Rescuers, together with police officers, also successfully evacuated four residents of Avdiivka over the past day.