A drone crash in Romania: Media shows photo

A drone crash in Romania: Media shows photo

Romanian media published the first photos of a drone that crashed in the country near the border with Ukraine. This was reported by De Braila.



The publication notes that the military drone crashed 8 km from the city of Braila, on the Mare d'Braila. At the same time, elements of the military drone contain inscriptions in Cyrillic.

A helicopter of the Ministry of Defense, the SRI anti-terrorist brigade, police and gendarmerie crews are in the area of the village of Filipoi, where a military drone crashed in a field.

The crater, about 4 meters in diameter, is clearly visible from the air, as seen in the photos.

Currently, army specialists have arrived at the crater to find out the origin of the military drone.

Romanian media published the first photos of a drone that crashed in the country near the border with Ukraine. This was reported by De Braila.


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The publication notes that the military drone crashed 8 km from the city of Braila, on the Mare d'Braila. At the same time, elements of the military drone contain inscriptions in Cyrillic.

A helicopter of the Ministry of Defense, the SRI anti-terrorist brigade, police and gendarmerie crews are in the area of the village of Filipoi, where a military drone crashed in a field.

The crater, about 4 meters in diameter, is clearly visible from the air, as seen in the photos.

Currently, army specialists have arrived at the crater to find out the origin of the military drone.