In Zhytomyr region, the occupiers hit the infrastructure: There is a threat of air pollution

In Zhytomyr region, the occupiers hit the infrastructure: There is a threat of air pollution

A critical infrastructure facility was damaged in the Zvyagel community of Zhytomyr region as a result of a Russian attack. Local residents have been warned about the threat of air pollution and the transfer of schools to a distance learning format. This was reported by Vitaliy Bunechko, head of the Zhytomyr RMA, on Telegram.



Fortunately, there were no casualties or injuried as a result of the attack. However, there is a direct threat of air pollution, so local residents are advised to stay indoors with windows closed.


In addition, by the decision of the TEBNS commission, distance learning was introduced in secondary schools.


In connection with this decision, pre-schools will be provided with emergency groups for parents who cannot leave their children unattended.

A critical infrastructure facility was damaged in the Zvyagel community of Zhytomyr region as a result of a Russian attack. Local residents have been warned about the threat of air pollution and the transfer of schools to a distance learning format. This was reported by Vitaliy Bunechko, head of the Zhytomyr RMA, on Telegram.


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Fortunately, there were no casualties or injuried as a result of the attack. However, there is a direct threat of air pollution, so local residents are advised to stay indoors with windows closed.


In addition, by the decision of the TEBNS commission, distance learning was introduced in secondary schools.


In connection with this decision, pre-schools will be provided with emergency groups for parents who cannot leave their children unattended.