Occupiers nearly shot the general forcing to go on the offensive: conversation intercepted

Occupiers nearly shot the general forcing to go on the offensive: conversation intercepted

In the Donetsk region, Russian contract servicemen nearly shot General Valery Solodchuk and his guards, who had come to curb a riot and force the "responders" to continue fighting. The soldiers refused to carry out the order, so the Russian general shamefully fled from the front lines. This is evidenced by a new telephone conversation between the Kafirs, which was intercepted by the SBU.


"Our battery practically all went into denial. He started waving his barrel, shooting: "I'll fucking kill you, he says, if you don't fucking go there...!" And that was it. "That's it! Fuck, he pulls out the pin on the grenade, says, "Go ahead, shoot me, he says! "We'll blow ourselves up here together, he says. That's it. The spetsnaz soldiers also started pointing their guns at us, and we started pointing our guns at them. In short, we almost all fucking shot each other. He got into his bobik and drove away," the occupant tells his wife.


The Rashist complains that only a third of their brigade (over 600 men) is left, and the rest were killed or wounded.


In the Donetsk region, Russian contract servicemen nearly shot General Valery Solodchuk and his guards, who had come to curb a riot and force the "responders" to continue fighting. The soldiers refused to carry out the order, so the Russian general shamefully fled from the front lines. This is evidenced by a new telephone conversation between the Kafirs, which was intercepted by the SBU.


"Our battery practically all went into denial. He started waving his barrel, shooting: "I'll fucking kill you, he says, if you don't fucking go there...!" And that was it. "That's it! Fuck, he pulls out the pin on the grenade, says, "Go ahead, shoot me, he says! "We'll blow ourselves up here together, he says. That's it. The spetsnaz soldiers also started pointing their guns at us, and we started pointing our guns at them. In short, we almost all fucking shot each other. He got into his bobik and drove away," the occupant tells his wife.


The Rashist complains that only a third of their brigade (over 600 men) is left, and the rest were killed or wounded.


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