Putin intensifies invasion of Ukraine, more Russians are going to their deaths - British Defense Secretary

Putin intensifies invasion of Ukraine, more Russians are going to their deaths - British Defense Secretary

British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps said that Russia is escalating its invasion of Ukraine, sending more Russians to their deaths than at any time since the beginning of the war. Shapps said this on his page in the social network X. This is how the British minister commented on today's British intelligence report on the situation at the front in Ukraine.



"Putin is intensifying his invasion - senselessly sending more Russians to their deaths than at any time since the war began. The bravery of Ukrainians and the support of the West are holding back their advance, but we cannot be complacent. Ukraine needs our unwavering support to fight and win," Shapps emphasized.

British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps said that Russia is escalating its invasion of Ukraine, sending more Russians to their deaths than at any time since the beginning of the war. Shapps said this on his page in the social network X. This is how the British minister commented on today's British intelligence report on the situation at the front in Ukraine.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Putin is stepping up his invasion - senselessly sending more Russians to die than at any time since the war began. <br><br>Ukrainian bravery &amp; western support is holding back their advance, but we cannot be complacent. <br><br>Ukraine needs our unwavering support to fight &amp; win <a href="https://t.co/PinHkFPvvk">https://t.co/PinHkFPvvk</a></p>&mdash; Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP (@grantshapps) <a href="https://twitter.com/grantshapps/status/1729088954232967297?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 27, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


"Putin is intensifying his invasion - senselessly sending more Russians to their deaths than at any time since the war began. The bravery of Ukrainians and the support of the West are holding back their advance, but we cannot be complacent. Ukraine needs our unwavering support to fight and win," Shapps emphasized.