Kuleba responded to proposals to give up part of Ukraine in exchange for NATO membership

Kuleba responded to proposals to give up part of Ukraine in exchange for NATO membership

Those who offer Ukraine to make territorial concessions in exchange for NATO membership must first do so with their own territories. This was stated by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba during a conversation with journalists at NATO Headquarters within the framework of the NATO-Ukraine Council meeting.



"Let these people offer their governments to give up territories and people. And if these countries agree to this, I am ready to listen to their arguments," he said.

According to Kuleba, for some reason, it is always easier to advise others to give up and make concessions.

"But before giving advice, let them do it themselves first," the Foreign Minister suggested.

Those who offer Ukraine to make territorial concessions in exchange for NATO membership must first do so with their own territories. This was stated by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba during a conversation with journalists at NATO Headquarters within the framework of the NATO-Ukraine Council meeting.


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"Let these people offer their governments to give up territories and people. And if these countries agree to this, I am ready to listen to their arguments," he said.

According to Kuleba, for some reason, it is always easier to advise others to give up and make concessions.

"But before giving advice, let them do it themselves first," the Foreign Minister suggested.