Teenager died in Kyiv due to grenade explosion

Teenager died in Kyiv due to grenade explosion

Late in the evening, on February 7, an explosion occurred in a nine-story building in Kyiv's Sviatoshynskyi district. A 16-year-old teenager died, and 100 people had to be evacuated from the scene. This was reported by the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kyiv.

Thus, at 23:24, a fire was reported on Simyrenko Street in the Sviatoshynskyi district.

"At the scene, rescuers found that as a result of the explosion of an unknown object in an apartment on the first floor of a nine-story residential building, a fire broke out on an area of 7 square meters," the report says.

While extinguishing the fire, rescuers found the body of a young man born in 2007. In addition, another unknown object was found in the room.

"Rescuers evacuated 100 residents of the building to a safe distance. An explosive service was called to the scene," the SES added.

According to the firefighters, the fire was localized at 23:53 and eliminated at 00:58 on February 8. A total of 15 personnel members and 4 units of basic and special fire and rescue equipment were involved in the elimination.


Late in the evening, on February 7, an explosion occurred in a nine-story building in Kyiv's Sviatoshynskyi district. A 16-year-old teenager died, and 100 people had to be evacuated from the scene. This was reported by the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kyiv.

Thus, at 23:24, a fire was reported on Simyrenko Street in the Sviatoshynskyi district.

"At the scene, rescuers found that as a result of the explosion of an unknown object in an apartment on the first floor of a nine-story residential building, a fire broke out on an area of 7 square meters," the report says.

While extinguishing the fire, rescuers found the body of a young man born in 2007. In addition, another unknown object was found in the room.

"Rescuers evacuated 100 residents of the building to a safe distance. An explosive service was called to the scene," the SES added.

According to the firefighters, the fire was localized at 23:53 and eliminated at 00:58 on February 8. A total of 15 personnel members and 4 units of basic and special fire and rescue equipment were involved in the elimination.


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