Zelensky: The situation in Ukraine is difficult, but under control

Zelensky: The situation in Ukraine is difficult, but under control

The situation in Ukraine, both in terms of the economy and on the frontline, is difficult but under control. This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky during a joint press conference with Prime Minister of Bulgaria Nikolai Denkov.



According to the President, it is possible to talk for a long time about what is happening in Ukraine and who and how the partners support the country. Zelensky said that it is difficult to describe in one word the processes that are taking place both at the front and at the border or in neighboring countries.

"It is difficult to describe in one word. Using the language of our military, when I ask: "What is the situation on the battlefield today?", using their words, I will answer your question: the situation is difficult, but fully controlled," he said.

The situation in Ukraine, both in terms of the economy and on the frontline, is difficult but under control. This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky during a joint press conference with Prime Minister of Bulgaria Nikolai Denkov.


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According to the President, it is possible to talk for a long time about what is happening in Ukraine and who and how the partners support the country. Zelensky said that it is difficult to describe in one word the processes that are taking place both at the front and at the border or in neighboring countries.

"It is difficult to describe in one word. Using the language of our military, when I ask: "What is the situation on the battlefield today?", using their words, I will answer your question: the situation is difficult, but fully controlled," he said.