Infrastructure facility caught fire in Ternopil region due to Shahed attack - RMA

Infrastructure facility caught fire in Ternopil region due to Shahed attack - RMA

Last night, a fire broke out at one of the infrastructure facilities in the Kremenets district of as a result of an attack by Shahed attack drones. The press service of the regional military administration reported this on Facebook on March 12.



To stop the fire, 19 units of special equipment and 73 personnel were involved in tactical operations.

According to the RMA, the fire was extinguished without any casualties or injuries.

In a neighboring village, electricity and gas supplies were temporarily cut off due to the fire. However, as of 7:00 a.m., local residents managed to restore electricity, and gas supply is expected to be restored soon.

Last night, a fire broke out at one of the infrastructure facilities in the Kremenets district of as a result of an attack by Shahed attack drones. The press service of the regional military administration reported this on Facebook on March 12.


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To stop the fire, 19 units of special equipment and 73 personnel were involved in tactical operations.

According to the RMA, the fire was extinguished without any casualties or injuries.

In a neighboring village, electricity and gas supplies were temporarily cut off due to the fire. However, as of 7:00 a.m., local residents managed to restore electricity, and gas supply is expected to be restored soon.