Dust from the Sahara came to Ukraine: meteorologists warn of yellow clouds and "dirty" rain

Dust from the Sahara came to Ukraine: meteorologists warn of yellow clouds and "dirty" rain

The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center reports that dust from the Sahara Desert has reached the country. In this regard, in some parts of Ukraine, clouds may have a yellowish tint, and raindrops may be "dirty." 

"Since in most of the country the weather is determined by a cyclone and moist air masses, this will contribute to the interception of dust particles by water droplets in clouds and precipitation," the report says.

The Hydrometeorological Center has published a satellite image showing the dust over the southern and central regions of Ukraine and spreading to the north.



It is worth noting that residents of Odesa and the region report dirt and sand on their cars after night rain.


The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center reports that dust from the Sahara Desert has reached the country. In this regard, in some parts of Ukraine, clouds may have a yellowish tint, and raindrops may be "dirty." 

"Since in most of the country the weather is determined by a cyclone and moist air masses, this will contribute to the interception of dust particles by water droplets in clouds and precipitation," the report says.

The Hydrometeorological Center has published a satellite image showing the dust over the southern and central regions of Ukraine and spreading to the north.


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It is worth noting that residents of Odesa and the region report dirt and sand on their cars after night rain.


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