Identification of victims of attack on printing house in Kharkiv using DNA: new data from police

Identification of victims of attack on printing house in Kharkiv using DNA: new data from police

In Kharkiv, DNA analysis was used to identify the people who died as a result of the attack on a printing house on May 23. This was reported by the deputy head of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kharkiv region, Serhiy Bolvinov, in his post on Facebook.



According to the report of Serhiy Bolvinov, deputy head of the Main Department of the National Police in Kharkiv region, among the identified dead were the mother and colleagues.

In addition, with the help of the police, the parents of one of the dead were found.

All the unidentified bodies have undergone the procedure of taking tests, and this is a morally difficult task for the specialists who continue to work in the city to ensure justice and memory of the victims.

Earlier we reported that on Thursday, May 23, the Vivat printing house in Kharkiv was hit by Russian missile strikes, which resulted in the death of people and numerous injuries.

In Kharkiv, DNA analysis was used to identify the people who died as a result of the attack on a printing house on May 23. This was reported by the deputy head of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kharkiv region, Serhiy Bolvinov, in his post on Facebook.


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According to the report of Serhiy Bolvinov, deputy head of the Main Department of the National Police in Kharkiv region, among the identified dead were the mother and colleagues.

In addition, with the help of the police, the parents of one of the dead were found.

All the unidentified bodies have undergone the procedure of taking tests, and this is a morally difficult task for the specialists who continue to work in the city to ensure justice and memory of the victims.

Earlier we reported that on Thursday, May 23, the Vivat printing house in Kharkiv was hit by Russian missile strikes, which resulted in the death of people and numerous injuries.