Ministry of Defense: An electronic military ID card will appear in the “Reserve+” application in summer

Ministry of Defense: An electronic military ID card will appear in the “Reserve+” application in summer

The full version of the Reserve+ app will be available this summer and will feature an electronic military ID card. This was announced by the spokesperson for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Dmytro Lazutkin during a telethon.

According to him, the launch of the full version of Reserve+ is scheduled for June. Then users will be able to receive an electronic analogue of a paper military registration document, including a barcode. All issues regarding inaccuracies are currently being resolved.

Lazutkin also noted that the electronic military ID card can be presented to law enforcement officers upon request.

Conscripts must carry military registration documents starting from May 18 and have to update their data within 60 days. During this time, an electronic document will appear in the Reserve+ application that can be shown to representatives of the police, the TCC or the border guard service.

The full version of the Reserve+ app will be available this summer and will feature an electronic military ID card. This was announced by the spokesperson for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Dmytro Lazutkin during a telethon.

According to him, the launch of the full version of Reserve+ is scheduled for June. Then users will be able to receive an electronic analogue of a paper military registration document, including a barcode. All issues regarding inaccuracies are currently being resolved.

Lazutkin also noted that the electronic military ID card can be presented to law enforcement officers upon request.

Conscripts must carry military registration documents starting from May 18 and have to update their data within 60 days. During this time, an electronic document will appear in the Reserve+ application that can be shown to representatives of the police, the TCC or the border guard service.