Punishment for evading truckers: details of new measures

Punishment for evading truckers: details of new measures

Ukrainian truckers who go abroad and do not return because they are afraid of mobilization may be equated with kidnappers, said Viktor Balin, vice president of the Association of International Road Carriers.



Some drivers of international routes who are authorized to travel abroad using the Shlyakh system refuse to return, leaving company vans unattended. This way, they are trying to avoid mobilization after their return.

Balin emphasized that the company plans to work with lawyers to develop legal mechanisms that will confirm that drivers have committed criminal acts, namely vehicle theft.

According to him, information about such drivers will be transferred to Interpol to avoid their employment abroad. Such behavior also causes problems for international carriers, reducing transportation volumes, which can affect the country's foreign exchange balance.

The actions of evasive drivers create additional difficulties for companies, as they need to find new drivers to return vehicles. In addition, companies that face such a problem are blocked in the Shlyakh system.

Ukrainian truckers who go abroad and do not return because they are afraid of mobilization may be equated with kidnappers, said Viktor Balin, vice president of the Association of International Road Carriers.


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Some drivers of international routes who are authorized to travel abroad using the Shlyakh system refuse to return, leaving company vans unattended. This way, they are trying to avoid mobilization after their return.

Balin emphasized that the company plans to work with lawyers to develop legal mechanisms that will confirm that drivers have committed criminal acts, namely vehicle theft.

According to him, information about such drivers will be transferred to Interpol to avoid their employment abroad. Such behavior also causes problems for international carriers, reducing transportation volumes, which can affect the country's foreign exchange balance.

The actions of evasive drivers create additional difficulties for companies, as they need to find new drivers to return vehicles. In addition, companies that face such a problem are blocked in the Shlyakh system.